GB7WW on Test, Welcome to Thomas and 40m Ops using Double Bazooka

Brian and Jon are pleased to announce that the Motorola DR3000 repeater and Cavities have arrived and the repeater is now programmed for GB7WW and the South West Cluster.

GB7WW 70cm DMR Repeater on test at Chippenham Club – Coming soon to the South West Cluster Network.

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to test the new machine in to a dummy load and everything seemed to work perfectly. We had a QSO with Russ M0WYB in Peasdown and Dick G8DER in Salisbury. We hope to switch WW on before the Wiltshire Radio Rally on Sun July 30th.

We also welcomed Thomas from Devizes who came along to learn more about the hobby and we hope he had an enjoyable evening and we hope to see him again soon.

Of Course we couldn’t pass up on some more HF activity and our STAR portable operator Jacek M0PLS operated with the Discovery 500 transceiver with its matching 60watt amplifier. Tonight Jacek was keen to try a 40m Double Bazooka purchased from Wire Antennas UK from Salisbury Wiltshire. Jacek said ” I cant believe the low noise levels on that antenna” as he worked one station after another. The 40m Double Bazooka was an instant hit and here’s an image of it below:

The 40m Double Bazooka certainly caused a stir on Tuesday.

Well that’s about it for this week but don’t forget our rally is coming up fast and we will be holding the final rally planning meeting next Tuesday the 26th July. Till next time our best wishes from the Chippenham Club Website Team.